What a pleasure to announce some exciting things. Today we are so proud to tell you about start of our cooperation with Thomas Dimov – brilliant architect and fantastic personality from Switzerland, founder of zoë circular building, who is passioned with the sustainable architecture and works with the natural building materials for the last decades. Thomas Dimov’s company zoë circular building will represent Modulina Straw Panels in Switzerland and in France, as well Thomas himself will be leading our expansion plans of Modulina in those regions with setting the local production capacities.

To introduce you more to our partner in two new countries, we have decided to make a pretty insightful “bliz interview” with Thomas.

1. Can you briefly introduce yourself and your background in natural building materials?

After studying architecture at the renowned ETH Zurich and working as a designer for many years in Vienna and Zurich, I founded the company zoë circular building gmbh in 2017. zoë is dedicated to the distribution, consulting and training of sustainable, circular building materials and building concepts.

2. What inspired you to specialize in natural building materials and sustainable construction?

The shift towards climate-friendly, environmentally friendly, health-promoting and aesthetically pleasing building concepts is more urgent than ever. In my work as an architect, I was often confronted with the problem that either the client, the craftsmen or the building materials trade, and sometimes all three together, had no idea how to use ecological building materials or no ambition.

This led me to the concept of the “three hats”: Depending on the need, I put on one of them to help sustainable construction succeed. Working with natural building materials also leads to the (re)discovery of sensuality – in oneself and in the world of materials. 

3. How do you see your expertise contributing to the development of Modulina’s straw panels?

I have been working for many years on the “happy marriage of wood, straw and clay” – a three-way relationship with considerable potential!

Each of these materials contributes its specific part to a contemporary construction method that updates the old demand for durability, strength and beauty.

The Modulina modules embody this goal in an ideal way and at the same time they allow to be integrated into today’s production conditions. They can be used to build quickly, flexibly and safely. Thanks to my experience and expertise, I am able to provide clients, architects and contractors with competent advice and support on the path to their sustainable construction project. To do this I also had to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

4. What are the key benefits of using natural building materials like straw panels in modern construction?

Natural building materials contribute to a low CO2 burden because they require little energy to produce. They are often available in sufficient quantities and can be removed from nature without harming the natural cycles. Another argument in favor of straw is that, as a byproduct of grain production, it enables higher added value, actual upcycling and waste reduction. I also like natural building materials because they enable us to connect with our natural foundations in an urgently needed way. Their use could lead to a new building culture like the one we know from the past.

5. How do natural building materials contribute to sustainability and decarbonization in the construction industry?

As is well known, the construction sector contributes around 40% to greenhouse gas emissions. So we have a very effective lever here in our fight against global warming.

The large building materials companies are desperately looking for ways to make their production more sustainable.

Modulina is already on the right track. In collaboration with other manufacturers, we are bringing solutions for a sustainable construction future to the market.

6. What are the regulatory challenges you foresee in Switzerland and France regarding sustainable construction, and how do you plan to navigate them?

The legal requirements in the EU and thus in France on the one hand and in Switzerland on the other hand are sometimes quite different.

Switzerland seems to be less keen on regulation in general, but the strict requirements of the EU Commission and the states for CO2 reduction naturally also influence the Swiss construction reality.

In Switzerland, we benefit from the fact that architects and engineers can take responsibility for constructions for which certain evidence is not or not yet available. This gives us greater freedom – also in the use of alternative building materials and construction methods. On the other hand, public funding hardly encourages the use of sustainable building materials, but rather energy savings in heating, water heating and building services.

7. How do you see the future of sustainable construction in Europe, especially with the integration of natural building materials?

I am very optimistic about the continued spread of natural building materials. However, we must ensure that genuine sustainable solutions are chosen and that greenwashing does not take hold. Ultimately, all building materials should obey the principle of circularity.

The cradle to cradle concept sets the direction. zoë circular building guarantees the return of all delivered building materials at the end of their life cycle. This obliges us to strictly control the ingredients and the principle of separability.

If you are interested to build your house made of Modulina Straw Panels in Switzerland or in France do not hesitate to contact Thomas Dimov as follows

zoë circular building gmbh
Thomas Dimov, Dipl. Arch. ETH

Dialogweg 3
8050 Zurich

Herzogenmühlestrasse 27
8051 Zurich
(show/warehouse, by appointment)

+41 78 601 45 72

Thomas Dimov's company zoë circular building will represent Modulina Straw Panels in Switzerland and in France, as well Thomas himself will be leading our expansion plans of Modulina in those regions with setting the local production capacities.
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